Zuzana Sloboda Szabóová
Healthy City Community Foundation (SK)

I graduated in International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Banská Bystrica and at the University of Eastern Finland. I also completed the Socrates Institute for gifted students. For seven years I worked as a program coordinator of the unique educational project Schools for Democracy implemented by the Center for Community Organizing and the anti-fascist platform Not in Our Town, and currently I am a director of the Healthy City Community Foundation in Banská Bystrica. I am also the founder of the Artforum bookstore in Banská Bystrica and the project manager of educational programmes at the publishing house Literárna bašta. I also work as a translator and in my book translations from English I systematically focus on the relationship between human rights, social sciences and popular culture (Amia Srinivasan, Reni Eddo-Lodge, Kristen R. Ghodsee, Daniel Everett), while I also try to implement individual works in public activities, activism, education of young people and professionals who are engaged in educating young people in formal and non-formal education.